Retrieve saturation on integer overflow coverage from cvdata
returns saturation on integer overflow coverage results from the
= overflowsaturationinfo(covdata
object covdata
for the model
object specified by object
and, depending on the value of
, descendant objects.
saturation on integer overflow coverage results from the coverage
, description
= overflowsaturationinfo(covdata
, object
object covdata
the model object specified by object
, and textual
descriptions of each coverage outcome.
Extract Saturation on Integer Overflow Data
This example shows how to use overflowsaturationinfo
to extract saturation on integer overflow data for a MinMax
block from a cvdata
Generate coverage data
Open the model and set coverage settings.
Create a Simulink.SimulationInput
object to change configuration parameters without modifying the model.
covSet = Simulink.SimulationInput('slcoverage_fuelsys');
Turn on coverage analysis and configure Simulink® to save the coverage data in a separate cvdata
object in the workspace.
covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovEnable','on'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar','on'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovSaveName','covData'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovScope','EntireSystem');
Enable collection of saturation on integer overflow Coverage and simulate the model by calling sim
with the SimulationInput
object as the input.
covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovMetricSaturateOnIntegerOverflow','on'); simOut = sim(covSet);
Extract saturation on integer overflow results
Get the block handle to the MinMax block using get_param
and then get the saturation on integer overflow results.
blockHandle = get_param(['slcoverage_fuelsys/',... 'Engine Gas Dynamics/Mixing & Combustion/MinMax'],'Handle'); saturationResults = overflowsaturationinfo(covData,blockHandle) percentSaturationCoverage = 100 * saturationResults(1)/saturationResults(2)
saturationResults = 1 2 percentSaturationCoverage = 50
One out of two saturation on integer overflow decision outcomes were satisfied for the MinMax
block in the Mixing & Combustion
subsystem, so it received 50% saturation on integer overflow coverage.
Determine Individual Integer Overflow Outcomes
This example shows how to use overflowsaturationinfo
to determine whether or not integer overflow occurs for a block in a model.
Generate coverage data
Load the slvnvdemo_saturation_on_overflow_coverage
example model.
Set coverage setting using a Simulink.SimulationInput
object. Turn coverage on and configure Simulink® to output a cvdata
object into the workspace.
covSet = Simulink.SimulationInput('slvnvdemo_saturation_on_overflow_coverage'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovEnable','on'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar','on'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovSaveName','covData'); covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovScope','EntireSystem');
Extract saturation on integer overflow results
Retrieve saturation on integer overflow coverage results and description for the Sum
block in the Controller
subsystem of the Test Unit
covSet = covSet.setModelParameter('CovMetricSaturateOnIntegerOverflow','on'); simOut = sim(covSet); [covResults, covDesc] = overflowsaturationinfo(covData, ... ['slvnvdemo_saturation_on_overflow_coverage/Test Unit /' ... 'Controller/Sum']) percentSaturation = 100 * covResults(1)/covResults(2)
covResults = 1 2 covDesc = struct with fields: isFiltered: 0 isJustified: 0 justifiedCoverage: 0 filterRationale: '' decision: [1x1 struct] percentSaturation = 50
One out of two saturation on integer overflow decision outcomes were satisfied for the Sum block, so it received 50% saturation on integer overflow coverage.
Review the number of times the Sum
block evaluated to each saturation on integer overflow outcome during simulation.
outcome1 = covDesc.decision.outcome(1) outcome2 = covDesc.decision.outcome(2)
outcome1 = struct with fields: execCount: 3 executionCount: 3 text: 'false' isFiltered: 0 isJustified: 0 filterRationale: '' executedIn: [] outcome2 = struct with fields: execCount: 0 executionCount: 0 text: 'true' isFiltered: 0 isJustified: 0 filterRationale: '' executedIn: []
During simulation, integer overflow did not occur in the Sum
block because the 'true'
outcome has an execution count of 0
If integer overflow is not possible for a block in your model, consider clearing the Saturate on integer overflow block parameter to optimize efficiency of your generated code.
Input Arguments
— Coverage results data
Coverage results data, specified as a cvdata
— Model or model component
full path | handle
Model or model component, specified as a full path, handle, or array of paths or handles.
Object Specification | Description |
| Full path to a model or block |
| Handle to a model or block |
| Handle to a Simulink® API object |
| Stateflow® ID |
| Handle to a Stateflow API object |
| Cell array with the path to a Stateflow chart or atomic subchart and the ID of an object contained in that chart or subchart |
| Cell array with the path to a Stateflow chart or atomic subchart and a Stateflow object API handle contained in that chart or subchart |
| Cell array with a handle to a Stateflow chart or atomic subchart and the ID of an object contained in that chart or subchart |
Example: 'slvnvdemo_saturation_on_overflow_coverage'
Example: get_param('slvnvdemo_cv_small_controller/Saturation',
— Whether to ignore descendants in coverage results
or 0
(default) | true
or 1
Whether to ignore descendants in coverage results, specified as a numeric or logical
1 (true)
or 0 (false)
, where:
0 (false)
includes coverage results of descendant objects.1 (true)
ignores coverage results of descendant objects.
Data Types: single
| double
| logical
Output Arguments
— Saturation on overflow coverage results for object
numerical vector
Saturation on overflow coverage results, stored in a two-element
vector of the form [covered_outcomes total_outcomes]
The two elements are:
covered_outcomes | Number of saturation on integer overflow outcomes satisfied
for object |
total_outcomes | Total number of saturation on integer overflow outcomes for object |
Data Types: double
— Textual description of coverage outcomes
structure array
Textual description of coverage outcomes for the model component
specified by object
, returned as a structure
array. Depending on the types of model coverage collected, the structure
array can have different fields. If only saturation on overflow coverage
is collected, the structure array contains the following fields:
isFiltered |
| ||||
decision.text | 'Saturate on integer overflow' | ||||
decision.outcome | Structure array containing two fields for each coverage outcome:
Saturation on
integer overflow has two possible outcomes, | ||||
decision.isFiltered |
| ||||
decision.filterRationale | Rationale for filtering the model component specified
by |
Data Types: struct
Version History
Introduced in R2013a
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