returns a vector of Predicted Class Labels for the predictor data in
the table or matrix label
= predict(Mdl
, based on the generalized additive model
for binary classification. The trained model can be either full
or compact.
For each observation in X
, the predicted class label corresponds to
the minimum Expected Misclassification Cost.
specifies whether to include interaction terms in computations.label
= predict(Mdl
Label Test Sample Observations of GAM
Train a generalized additive model using training samples, and then label the test samples.
Load the fisheriris
data set. Create X
as a numeric matrix that contains sepal and petal measurements for versicolor and virginica irises. Create Y
as a cell array of character vectors that contains the corresponding iris species.
load fisheriris inds = strcmp(species,'versicolor') | strcmp(species,'virginica'); X = meas(inds,:); Y = species(inds,:);
Randomly partition observations into a training set and a test set with stratification, using the class information in Y
. Specify a 30% holdout sample for testing.
rng('default') % For reproducibility cv = cvpartition(Y,'HoldOut',0.30);
Extract the training and test indices.
trainInds = training(cv); testInds = test(cv);
Specify the training and test data sets.
XTrain = X(trainInds,:); YTrain = Y(trainInds); XTest = X(testInds,:); YTest = Y(testInds);
Train a generalized additive model using the predictors XTrain
and class labels YTrain
. A recommended practice is to specify the class names.
Mdl = fitcgam(XTrain,YTrain,'ClassNames',{'versicolor','virginica'})
Mdl = ClassificationGAM ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ClassNames: {'versicolor' 'virginica'} ScoreTransform: 'logit' Intercept: -1.1090 NumObservations: 70
is a ClassificationGAM
model object.
Predict the test sample labels.
label = predict(Mdl,XTest);
Create a table containing the true labels and predicted labels. Display the table for a random set of 10 observations.
t = table(YTest,label,'VariableNames',{'True Label','Predicted Label'}); idx = randsample(sum(testInds),10); t(idx,:)
ans=10×2 table
True Label Predicted Label
______________ _______________
{'virginica' } {'virginica' }
{'virginica' } {'virginica' }
{'versicolor'} {'virginica' }
{'virginica' } {'virginica' }
{'virginica' } {'virginica' }
{'versicolor'} {'versicolor'}
{'versicolor'} {'versicolor'}
{'versicolor'} {'versicolor'}
{'versicolor'} {'versicolor'}
{'virginica' } {'virginica' }
Create a confusion chart from the true labels YTest
and the predicted labels label
cm = confusionchart(YTest,label);
Compare Logit of Posterior Probabilities
Estimate the logit of posterior probabilities for new observations using a classification GAM that contains both linear and interaction terms for predictors. Classify new observations using a memory-efficient model object. Specify whether to include interaction terms when classifying new observations.
Load the ionosphere
data set. This data set has 34 predictors and 351 binary responses for radar returns, either bad ('b'
) or good ('g'
load ionosphere
Partition the data set into two sets: one containing training data, and the other containing new, unobserved test data. Reserve 10 observations for the new test data set.
rng('default') % For reproducibility n = size(X,1); newInds = randsample(n,10); inds = ~ismember(1:n,newInds); XNew = X(newInds,:); YNew = Y(newInds);
Train a GAM using the predictors X
and class labels Y
. A recommended practice is to specify the class names. Specify to include the 10 most important interaction terms.
Mdl = fitcgam(X(inds,:),Y(inds),'ClassNames',{'b','g'},'Interactions',10);
is a ClassificationGAM
model object.
Conserve memory by reducing the size of the trained model.
CMdl = compact(Mdl); whos('Mdl','CMdl')
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes CMdl 1x1 1116219 classreg.learning.classif.CompactClassificationGAM Mdl 1x1 1318864 ClassificationGAM
is a CompactClassificationGAM
model object.
Predict the labels using both linear and interaction terms, and then using only linear terms. To exclude interaction terms, specify 'IncludeInteractions',false
. Estimate the logit of posterior probabilities by specifying the ScoreTransform
property as 'none'
CMdl.ScoreTransform = 'none'; [labels,scores] = predict(CMdl,XNew); [labels_nointeraction,scores_nointeraction] = predict(CMdl,XNew,'IncludeInteractions',false); t = table(YNew,labels,scores,labels_nointeraction,scores_nointeraction, ... 'VariableNames',{'True Labels','Predicted Labels','Scores' ... 'Predicted Labels Without Interactions','Scores Without Interactions'})
t=10×5 table
True Labels Predicted Labels Scores Predicted Labels Without Interactions Scores Without Interactions
___________ ________________ __________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________
{'g'} {'g'} -40.23 40.23 {'g'} -37.484 37.484
{'g'} {'g'} -41.215 41.215 {'g'} -38.737 38.737
{'g'} {'g'} -44.413 44.413 {'g'} -42.186 42.186
{'g'} {'b'} 3.0658 -3.0658 {'b'} 1.4338 -1.4338
{'g'} {'g'} -84.637 84.637 {'g'} -81.269 81.269
{'g'} {'g'} -27.44 27.44 {'g'} -24.831 24.831
{'g'} {'g'} -62.989 62.989 {'g'} -60.4 60.4
{'g'} {'g'} -77.109 77.109 {'g'} -75.937 75.937
{'g'} {'g'} -48.519 48.519 {'g'} -47.067 47.067
{'g'} {'g'} -56.256 56.256 {'g'} -53.373 53.373
The predicted labels for the test data Xnew
do not vary depending on the inclusion of interaction terms, but the estimated score values are different.
Plot Posterior Probability Regions
Train a generalized additive model, and then plot the posterior probability regions using the probability values of the first class.
Load the fisheriris
data set. Create X
as a numeric matrix that contains two petal measurements for versicolor and virginica irises. Create Y
as a cell array of character vectors that contains the corresponding iris species.
load fisheriris inds = strcmp(species,'versicolor') | strcmp(species,'virginica'); X = meas(inds,3:4); Y = species(inds,:);
Train a generalized additive model using the predictors X
and class labels Y
. A recommended practice is to specify the class names.
Mdl = fitcgam(X,Y,'ClassNames',{'versicolor','virginica'});
is a ClassificationGAM
model object.
Define a grid of values in the observed predictor space.
xMax = max(X); xMin = min(X); x1 = linspace(xMin(1),xMax(1),250); x2 = linspace(xMin(2),xMax(2),250); [x1Grid,x2Grid] = meshgrid(x1,x2);
Predict the posterior probabilities for each instance in the grid.
[~,PosteriorRegion] = predict(Mdl,[x1Grid(:),x2Grid(:)]);
Plot the posterior probability regions using the probability values of the first class 'versicolor'
h = scatter(x1Grid(:),x2Grid(:),1,PosteriorRegion(:,1)); h.MarkerEdgeAlpha = 0.3;
Plot the training data.
hold on gh = gscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),Y,'k','dx'); title('Iris Petal Measurements and Posterior Probabilities') xlabel('Petal length (cm)') ylabel('Petal width (cm)') legend(gh,'Location','Best') colorbar hold off
Input Arguments
— Generalized additive model
model object | CompactClassificationGAM
model object
Generalized additive model, specified as a ClassificationGAM
or CompactClassificationGAM
model object.
— Predictor data
numeric matrix | table
Predictor data, specified as a numeric matrix or table.
Each row of X
corresponds to one observation, and each column corresponds to one variable.
For a numeric matrix:
The variables that make up the columns of
must have the same order as the predictor variables that trainedMdl
.If you trained
using a table, thenX
can be a numeric matrix if the table contains all numeric predictor variables.
For a table:
If you trained
using a table (for example,Tbl
), then all predictor variables inX
must have the same variable names and data types as those inTbl
. However, the column order ofX
does not need to correspond to the column order ofTbl
.If you trained
using a numeric matrix, then the predictor names inMdl.PredictorNames
and the corresponding predictor variable names inX
must be the same. To specify predictor names during training, use the'PredictorNames'
name-value argument. All predictor variables inX
must be numeric vectors.X
can contain additional variables (response variables, observation weights, and so on), butpredict
ignores them.predict
does not support multicolumn variables or cell arrays other than cell arrays of character vectors.
Data Types: table
| double
| single
— Flag to include interaction terms
| false
Flag to include interaction terms of the model, specified as true
The default includeInteractions
value is true
the model contains interaction terms. The value must be false
if the model
does not contain interaction terms.
Example: includeInteractions=false
Data Types: logical
Output Arguments
— Predicted class labels
categorical array | character array | logical vector | numeric vector | cell array of character vectors
Predicted Class Labels, returned as a categorical or character array, logical or numeric vector, or cell array of character vectors.
If Mdl.ScoreTransform
is 'logit'
then each entry of label
corresponds to the class with the minimal
Expected Misclassification Cost for the corresponding
row of X
. Otherwise, each entry corresponds to the class with the
maximal score.
has the same data type as the observed class labels that
trained Mdl
, and its length is equal to the number of rows in
. (The software treats string arrays as cell arrays of character
— Predicted posterior probabilities or class scores
two-column numeric matrix
Predicted posterior probabilities or class scores, returned as a two-column numeric
matrix with the same number of rows as X
. The first and second
columns of score
contain the first class (or negative class,
) and second class (or positive class,
) score values for the corresponding observations,
If Mdl.ScoreTransform
is 'logit'
then the score values are posterior probabilities. If
is 'none'
, then the score
values are the logit of posterior probabilities. The software provides several built-in
score transformation functions. For more details, see the ScoreTransform
property of Mdl
You can change the score transformation by specifying the 'ScoreTransform'
argument of fitcgam
during training,
or by changing the ScoreTransform
property after training.
More About
Predicted Class Labels
classifies by minimizing the expected
misclassification cost:
is the predicted classification.
K is the number of classes.
is the posterior probability of class j for observation x.
is the cost of classifying an observation as y when its true class is j.
Expected Misclassification Cost
The expected misclassification cost per observation is an averaged cost of classifying the observation into each class.
Suppose you have Nobs
observations that you want to classify with a trained
classifier, and you have K
classes. You place the observations
into a matrix X
with one observation per row.
The expected cost matrix CE
has size
. Each row of
contains the expected (average) cost of classifying
the observation into each of the K
K is the number of classes.
is the posterior probability of class i for observation X(n).
is the true misclassification cost of classifying an observation as k when its true class is i.
True Misclassification Cost
The true misclassification cost is the cost of classifying an observation into an incorrect class.
You can set the true misclassification cost per class by using the Cost
name-value argument when you create the classifier. Cost(i,j)
is the cost
of classifying an observation into class j
when its true class is
. By default, Cost(i,j)=1
, and Cost(i,j)=0
if i=j
In other words, the cost is 0
for correct classification and
for incorrect classification.
Version History
Introduced in R2021a
See Also
| margin
| edge
| resubPredict
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