Plot expected marginal means with optional grouping
specifies additional options by one or more name-value arguments. For example, you
can specify the factors to group by or change the line colors.rm
returns handles
= plotprofile(___)H
to the plotted lines.
Plot Expected Marginal Means
Load the sample data.
load fisheriris
The column vector species
consists of iris flowers of three different species: setosa, versicolor, and virginica. The double matrix meas
consists of four types of measurements on the flowers: the length and width of sepals and petals in centimeters, respectively.
Store the data in a table array.
t = table(species,meas(:,1),meas(:,2),meas(:,3),meas(:,4),... 'VariableNames',{'species','meas1','meas2','meas3','meas4'}); Meas = dataset([1 2 3 4]','VarNames',{'Measurements'});
Fit a repeated measures model, where the measurements are the responses and the species is the predictor variable.
rm = fitrm(t,'meas1-meas4~species','WithinDesign',Meas);
Perform data grouped by the factor species.
The estimated marginal means seem to differ with group. You can compute the standard error and the 95% confidence intervals for the marginal means using the margmean
Plot Marginal Means for Two Groups
Load the sample data.
load repeatedmeas
The table between
includes the between-subject variables age, IQ, group, gender, and eight repeated measures y1
through y8
as responses. The table within
includes the within-subject variables w1
and w2
. This is simulated data.
Fit a repeated measures model, where the repeated measures y1
through y8
are the responses, and age, IQ, group, gender, and the group-gender interaction are the predictor variables. Also specify the within-subject design matrix.
rm = fitrm(between,'y1-y8 ~ Group*Gender + Age + IQ','WithinDesign',within);
Plot the estimated marginal means based on the factors Group
and Gender
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1); plotprofile(rm,'Group') ax2 = subplot(1,2,2); plotprofile(rm,'Gender') linkaxes([ax1 ax2],'y')
Plot the estimated marginal means based on the factor Group
and grouped by Gender
figure() plotprofile(rm,'Group','Group','Gender')
Input Arguments
— Repeated measures model
Repeated measures model, returned as a RepeatedMeasuresModel
For properties and methods of this object, see RepeatedMeasuresModel
— Name of between-subjects or within-subjects factor
character vector | string scalar
Name of a between-subjects or within-subjects factor, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
For example, if you want to plot the marginal means as a function of the groups of a between-subjects variable drug, you can specify it as follows.
Example: 'Drug'
Data Types: char
| string
— Target axes
Since R2024a
Target axes, specified as an Axes object. If you do not specify the axes,
then plotprofile
uses the current axes (gca
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: plotprofile(rm,'Color','rrbb')
— Name of between-subject factor or factors
character vector | string array | cell array of character vectors
Name of between-subject factor or factors, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector, string array, or cell array of
character vectors. This name-value pair argument groups the lines according to the
factor values.
For example, if you have two between-subject factors, drug and sex, and you want to group the lines in the plot according to them, you can specify these factors as follows.
Example: 'Group',{'Drug','Sex'}
Data Types: char
| string
| cell
— Marker to use for each group
string array | cell array of character vectors
Marker to use for each group, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a string array or cell array of character
For example, if you have two between-subject factors, drug and
sex, with each having two groups, you can specify o
the marker for the groups of drug and x
as the
marker for the groups of sex as follows.
Example: 'Marker',{'o','o','x','x'}
Data Types: string
| cell
— Color for each group
character vector | string array | cell array of character vectors | rows of a three-column RGB matrix
Color for each group, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector, string array, cell array of
character vectors, or rows of a three-column RGB matrix.
For example, if you have two between-subject factors, drug and sex, with each having two groups, you can specify red as the color for the groups of drug and blue as the color for the groups of sex as follows.
Example: 'Color','rrbb'
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
| cell
— Line style for each group
string array | cell array of character vectors
Line style for each group, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a string array or cell array of character
For example, if you have two between-subject factors, drug and
sex, with each having two groups, you can specify -
the line style of one group and :
as the line style
for the other group as follows.
Example: 'LineStyle',{'-' ':' '-' ':'}
Data Types: string
| cell
Output Arguments
— Handle to plotted lines
Handle to plotted lines, returned as a handle.
Version History
Introduced in R2014aR2024a: Specify target axes
Specify the target axes for the plot by using the ax
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