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Segmentation sémantique

Segmentation sémantique d’images

La segmentation sémantique associe chaque pixel d’une image à un étiquette de classe telle que fleur, personne, route, ciel ou voiture. Utilisez les applications Image Labeler et Video Labeler pour labéliser les pixels de manière interactive et exporter les données labélisées afin d’entraîner un réseau de neurones.

Input image of a seascape, then a series of cubes representing a deep learning network and a semantic segmented output image of the input.


Image LabelerLabel images for computer vision applications
Video LabelerLabel video for computer vision applications


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combineCombine data from multiple datastores
countEachLabelCount occurrence of pixel or box labels
groundTruthGround truth label data
imageDatastoreDatastore for image data
pixelLabelDatastoreDatastore for pixel label data
pixelLabelTrainingDataCreate training data for semantic segmentation from ground truth
balancePixelLabelsBalance pixel labels by oversampling block locations in large images (depuis R2020a)
imwarpApply geometric transformation to image
imcropCrop image
imresizeResize image
transformTransform datastore
randomAffine2dCreate randomized 2-D affine transformation (depuis R2019b)
randomWindow2dRandomly select rectangular region in image (depuis R2021a)
centerCropWindow2dCreate rectangular center cropping window (depuis R2019b)
unetCreate U-Net convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation (depuis R2024a)
unet3dCreate 3-D U-Net convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation of volumetric images (depuis R2024a)
deeplabv3plusCreate DeepLab v3+ convolutional neural network for semantic image segmentation (depuis R2024a)
focalCrossEntropyCompute focal cross-entropy loss (depuis R2020b)
semanticsegSemantic image segmentation using deep learning
segmentAnythingModelPretrained Segment Anything Model (SAM) for semantic segmentation (depuis R2024a)
labeloverlayOverlay label matrix regions on 2-D image
volshowDisplay volume
insertObjectMask Insert masks in image or video stream (depuis R2020b)
evaluateSemanticSegmentationEvaluate semantic segmentation data set against ground truth
bfscoreContour matching score for image segmentation
diceSørensen-Dice similarity coefficient for image segmentation
generalizedDiceGeneralized Sørensen-Dice similarity coefficient for image segmentation (depuis R2021a)
jaccardJaccard similarity coefficient for image segmentation
segmentationConfusionMatrixConfusion matrix of multi-class pixel-level image segmentation (depuis R2020b)
semanticSegmentationMetricsSemantic segmentation quality metrics


En savoir plus

Créer des données d’apprentissage pour la segmentation sémantique