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WLAN System-Level Simulation Statistics

The WLAN system-level simulation captures these statistics as a structure at each node. This structure is returned as an output by the statistics object function of the wlanNode object.

Default Statistics

If you use the first syntax described on the statistics reference page, these tables describe the function's output.

Statistics Structure

Structure Field Description

Name of the WLAN node, returned as a string scalar


ID of the WLAN node, returned as a numeric scalar


Application statistics, returned as a structure


MAC layer statistics, returned as a structure. If the node contains multiple devices, this field returns an array of structures.

MeshMesh forwarding statistics, returned as a structure. If the node contains multiple devices, this field returns an array of structures.

Physical layer (PHY) statistics, returned as a structure. If the node contains multiple devices, this field returns an array of structures.

App Structure

Structure Field Description
TransmittedPacketsTotal number of packets (MSDUs) transmitted from the application layer to the MAC layer
TransmittedBytesTotal number of bytes transmitted from the application layer to the MAC layer
ReceivedPacketsTotal number of packets received at the application layer
ReceivedBytesTotal number of bytes received at the application layer

MAC Structure

Structure Field Description

Number of data MPDUs transmitted from the MAC layer, including retransmissions


Total number of beacon frames transmitted from the MAC layer


Total number of MSDU bytes successfully transmitted from the MAC layer. When acknowledgments are enabled, successful transmission means the reception of acknowledgment. When acknowledgments are disabled, all transmissions are considered successful.

SuccessfulDataTransmissionsNumber of successfully transmitted data MPDUs. When acknowledgments are enabled, successful transmission means the reception of acknowledgment. When acknowledgments are disabled, all transmissions are considered successful.
RetransmittedDataFramesNumber of data MPDUs retransmitted from MAC layer
TransmittedAMPDUsTotal number of A-MPDUs transmitted from the MAC layer, including retransmissions
TransmittedRTSFramesTotal number of RTS frames transmitted from the MAC layer
TransmittedMURTSFramesTotal number of MU-RTS frames transmitted from the MAC layer
TransmittedCTSFramesTotal number of CTS frames transmitted from the MAC layer
TransmittedMUBARFramesTotal number of MU-BAR frames transmitted from the MAC layer
TransmittedAckFramesTotal number of Ack frames transmitted from the MAC layer
TransmittedBlockAckFramesTotal number of BlockAck frames transmitted from the MAC layer
TransmittedBasicTriggerFramesTotal number of basic trigger frames transmitted from the MAC layer
ReceivedDataFramesTotal number of data MPDUs received by the MAC layer
ReceivedBeaconFramesTotal number of beacon frames received by the MAC layer
ReceivedPayloadBytesTotal number of MSDU bytes including broadcast, intended to the node and received at the MAC layer.
ReceivedAMPDUsTotal number of A-MPDUs received by the MAC layer, with at least one valid subframe
ReceivedRTSFramesTotal number of RTS frames, intended to the node and received by the MAC layer
ReceivedMURTSFramesTotal number of MU-RTS frames, intended to the node and received by the MAC layer
ReceivedCTSFramesTotal number of CTS frames, intended to the node and received by the MAC layer
ReceivedMUBARFramesTotal number of MU-BAR frames, intended to the node and received by the MAC layer
ReceivedAckFramesTotal number of Ack frames, intended to the node and received by the MAC layer
ReceivedBlockAckFramesTotal number of BlockAck frames, intended to the node and received by the MAC layer
ReceivedBasicTriggerFramesTotal number of basic trigger frames, intended to the node and received at the MAC layer
ReceivedFCSValidFramesTotal number of MPDUs received by the MAC layer with valid FCS
ReceivedFCSFailsTotal number of MPDUs dropped by the MAC layer due to FCS fails
ReceivedDelimiterCRCFailsTotal number of frames dropped by the MAC layer due to delimiter CRC fails in the A-MPDU subframes

Mesh Structure

Structure Field Description
PacketsToBeForwardedNumber of MSDUs to be forwarded
PayloadBytesToBeForwardedNumber of bytes of data to be forwarded

Number of MSDUs dropped due to:

  • Insufficient mesh forward hop count

  • No further path found for forwarding

  • Receiving a duplicate MSDU

PHY Structure

Structure Field Description
TransmittedPacketsTotal number of PPDUs transmitted by the PHY
TransmittedPayloadBytesTotal number of payload (PSDU) bytes transmitted by the PHY
ReceivedPacketsTotal number of packets received at the PHY
ReceivedPayloadBytesTotal number of payload (PSDU) bytes received by the PHY

Total number of packets dropped by the PHY receiver due to:

  • Low signal power

  • Preamble, header, or payload decode failures

Additional Statistics

If you use the second syntax detailed on the statistics reference page, the function returns these statistics in addition to those described above.

App Structure Additional Fields

Structure Field Description

This is an array of structures. Each structure holds statistics that correspond to the destinations of traffic from the node. The traffic may correspond to traffic sources that you add, or to full buffer traffic that you configure. If there is no traffic from the node, this field is absent.

Fields of Structures in the Destinations Array

Structure Field Description
NodeIDDestination node identifier
NodeNameDestination node name
TransmittedPacketsNumber of transmitted packets
TransmittedBytesNumber of transmitted bytes

MAC Structure Additional Fields

Structure Field Description
AccessCategoriesThis is an array of structures of size 1-by-4. Each structure holds statistics that correspond to one of the four access categories. The four entries of the array correspond to Best Effort, Background, Video, and Voice, respectively.
LinkThis is an array of substructures containing multilink operation (MLO) MAC statistics. For more information, see MLO Statistics.

Fields of Structures in the Access Categories Array

Structure Field Description
TransmittedDataFramesTotal number of data MPDUs transmitted for the access category from the MAC layer, including retransmissions
TransmittedPayloadBytesTotal number of MSDU bytes successfully transmitted for the access category from the MAC layer. When acknowledgments are enabled, successful transmission means the reception of acknowledgment. When acknowledgments are disabled, all transmissions are considered successful.
SuccessfulDataTransmissionsTotal number of successfully transmitted data MPDUs for the access category. When acknowledgments are enabled, successful transmission means the reception of acknowledgment. When acknowledgments are disabled, all transmissions are considered successful.
RetransmittedDataFramesTotal number of data MPDUs retransmitted for the access category from the MAC layer
ReceivedDataFramesTotal number of data MPDUs received for the access category by the MAC layer
ReceivedPayloadBytesTotal number of MSDU bytes received for the access category by the MAC layer

PHY Structure Additional Fields

Structure Field Description
LinkThis is an array of substructures containing MLO PHY statistics. For more information, see MLO Statistics.

MLO Statistics

You can view the MAC and PHY statistics related to MLO by using an array of structures called Link.

  • MAC.Link is an array of substructures that enables you to view the MLO MAC statistics. For a list of MLO MAC statistics, see MAC Structure.

  • MAC.Link.AccessCategories is an array of substructures that enables you to view the MLO access category statistics. For a list of MLO access category statistics, see Fields of Structures in the Access Categories Array.

  • PHY.Link is an array of substructures that enables you to view the MLO PHY statistics. For a list of MLO PHY statistics, see PHY Structure.

Note that the statistics defined by the Link structure are specific to a link between two WLAN nodes. To get a cumulative value of any MAC or PHY MLO statistic, aggregate the values of the corresponding statistic for all the links in the network.

See Also



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