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If there is a 512*512 image which has to be sampled into 16*16 image patches?how

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
If there is a 512*512 image which has to be sampled into 16*16 image patches,how can I do that?
  3 commentaires
hamed abdulaziz
hamed abdulaziz le 31 Déc 2013
Modifié(e) : hamed abdulaziz le 31 Déc 2013
Sorry,I did not see your previous answer on my question ,I tried this :
I = imread('d:\3.bmp');
I=imresize(I,[512 512]);
patch_cell = mat2cell( 8*ones(1,size(I,1)/8), 8*ones(1,size(I,2)/8), size(I,3) );
but I have this error
Error using mat2cell (line 107) Input arguments, D1 through D2, must sum to each dimension of the input matrix size, [1 64].'
Error in patchs (line 6) patch_cell = mat2cell( 8*ones(1,size(I,1)/8), 8*ones(1,size(I,2)/8), size(I,3) );
hamed abdulaziz
hamed abdulaziz le 31 Déc 2013
Please could you guide me to correct these errors?

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Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 1 Jan 2014
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 1 Jan 2014
patches = mat2tiles(YourImage,[16,16]);
  4 commentaires
hamed abdulaziz
hamed abdulaziz le 1 Jan 2014
How can I show the shapes of patches to see the them?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 1 Jan 2014
The shapes are rectangles. Do you mean you want to see where the rectangles are, say in lines superimposed over the original image where the patches were extracted from? Or do you want to see every patch as a separate sub image like the FAQ does?

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Plus de réponses (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 31 Déc 2013
Modifié(e) : Image Analyst le 1 Jan 2014
It does it two different ways. One using mat2cell(), and one using just simple indexing. It's a full blown demo with sample images and display of each sub-image that it extracted so you can see what it did.

Jan le 31 Déc 2013
The easiest way would be to let two FOR loops crop the parts from the original array. The details depend on what you want as output.
  1 commentaire
hamed abdulaziz
hamed abdulaziz le 31 Déc 2013
Thank you Mr.Jan,I would like to use this code
patch_cell = mat2cell( 8*ones(1,size(I,1)/8), 8*ones(1,size(I,2)/8), size(I,3) );
but I got these error
Error using mat2cell (line 107) Input arguments, D1 through D2, must sum to each dimension of the input matrix size, [1 64].'
Error in patchs (line 6) patch_cell = mat2cell( 8*ones(1,size(I,1)/8), 8*ones(1,size(I,2)/8), size(I,3) );
Please could you guide me to correct it?

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 31 Déc 2013
patch_cell = mat2cell( I, 16*ones(1,size(I,1)/16), 16*ones(1,size(I,2)/16), size(I,3) );


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