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How to identify the type of the Histogram distribution?

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
hamed abdulaziz
hamed abdulaziz le 16 Jan 2014
Commenté : Glisant Plasa le 20 Nov 2022
Hi All,
I have medical images,I've plotted it's histograms,now I need to identify the type of these histograms(e.g. One may be like Gaussian distribution, Normal distribution.etce...),is there a builtin Matlab function for * identify the type of Histogram distribution * or any code does that? my goal: I have two algorithms for image segmentation,so if the distribution was Gaussian type I will use the first algorithms else use the second algorithm,please any could guide me to do this job.thank in advance for time and support

Réponses (1)

Wayne King
Wayne King le 16 Jan 2014
You can use kstest() if you have the Statistics Toolbox:
x = 10+randn(1000,1);
test_cdf = makedist('normal','mu',10,'sigma',1);
[h,p] = kstest(x,'cdf',test_cdf);
  7 commentaires
hamed abdulaziz
hamed abdulaziz le 16 Jan 2014
Please response to me I am waiting...
Glisant Plasa
Glisant Plasa le 20 Nov 2022
hope ur doing well hamed

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