Butterworth filtering as reading

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Virginia le 23 Jan 2014
Hello, so, I already know how to implement a Butterworth filter and use it for some stored data. However, now I will have some data comming in my computer by network and I would like to filter it as I am receving it, in order to be able to process it online. This seems quite easy in simulink, but I do not know how to do it in matlab code. The function request to have a signal of at least 6 samples, so my only idea is to create a buffer with the last 5 samples, take the incomming one (6th), and filter the buffer... any other idea would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
  1 commentaire
ANJALI KUMARI le 10 Fév 2018
Can you tell me how to implement Butterworth filter and use it for some stored data?Actually, i have generated the code using filter design and analysis toolbox by setting all the frequencies and order and generated the code but I am not able to understand how to apply that function for my stored data?

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Abhishek Ballaney
Abhishek Ballaney le 12 Fév 2018

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