How to do surf plot if Z is not a matrix?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Michelle Sy
Michelle Sy le 10 Mar 2014
Commenté : Youssef Khmou le 10 Mar 2014
I'm trying to make a 3-D surf plot but I'm not sure how I can acquire the Z value, because a is not defined and when I try to plug in numbers for a, and try to surf plot it, it says Z is not a matrix.
f(X,Y) = Z = 0.2 + sin(2*π*a*x)/(2*π*x) + sin(2*π*a*y)/(2*π*y)
HINT: Use the following code to set the range of x and y.
x=[-5:0.2:5]+eps; y=x; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y)
how can I make Z a matrix so I can use surf(X,Y,Z)

Réponses (1)

Marta Salas
Marta Salas le 10 Mar 2014
Let's assume a is a number. There is a value of Z for every (X,Y), thus, Z is a matrix and it has same size as X.
a = 1;
Z = 0.2 + sin(2*pi*a*X)./(2*pi*X) + sin(2*pi*a*Y)./(2*pi*Y);
figure, surf(X,Y,Z)
  1 commentaire
Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou le 10 Mar 2014
hi, i agree, this is an efficient way rather than using x,y loops .

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