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How do I add a custom library to a model using a script?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Patricia le 26 Mar 2014
Hi all,
I have a custom block library and I want to generate the source code. I know how to do in manually by creating a model and dragging and dropping all blocks into the new model before generating the code.
Now I want to do it automatically by using a script. So my question is how do I add the library to the model on a script?
My library is called LIB_MAT and I tried using add_block but it says it can't find the block.
set_param('LIB_MAT', 'Lock', 'off');
add_block('LIB_MAT', 'gen_model')
add_block returns "There is no block named 'LIB_MAT'".
Thanks in advance,

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Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind le 27 Mar 2014
You need to specify the block name, not just the model/library name. For example:
add_block('LIB_MAT/A', 'gen_model/A')
You can get the full list of blocks in your library using something like:
blockNames = find_system('LIB_MAT', 'Type', 'Block'); %returns cell array of block paths

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