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write data from gui in excel

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Andrea Gil
Andrea Gil le 26 Juil 2011
Hi! Does anybody know how can a variable calculated on matlab GUI and stored in the handles be written on an already existing excel file?`
Or in other words, does the function xlswrite work at GUI? and if not, which function should be used instead?
Thanks a lot!

Réponse acceptée

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 27 Juil 2011
The format for range is 'a2:c4' as an example. For a single cell, you need to specify it as 'd4:d4' for example.
The range for 4th column and i+1 row would be
The function dec2base27() is to convert 1 to 'A', 4 to 'D', 28 to 'AB' etc. It is to facilitate the xlswrite() function. You probably don't have it. I took it from xlswrite.m. Open xlswrite.m and you can find the dec2base27() function. Make it separate so you can use it anywhere else.
  1 commentaire
Andrea Gil
Andrea Gil le 28 Juil 2011
Thank you very much!

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Plus de réponses (4)

Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta le 26 Juil 2011
xlswrite will work from a GUI.

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 26 Juil 2011
Yes, xlswrite() works anywhere. You need to pay attention in the code where you have the xlswrite() line that you have access to the data, and it's better to specify the full path of the Excel file.

Andrea Gil
Andrea Gil le 27 Juil 2011
But to write only a value on a cell i+1 (i is an input from the user), how would it work?
xlswrite(filename, M, 'range'), M=the matrix 1x1, and which is the range if it is the forth column for the i+1 row? should it be Di+1:Di+1? I am not pretty sure if matlab accepts that, any idea?

Jack Griffin
Jack Griffin le 27 Mai 2015

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