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Perspective view of xz plane

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Iman le 25 Avr 2014
Réponse apportée : poopey le 26 Avr 2014
This should be an easy solution but its defeating me! I want to view a 3d plot such that I am looking at the xz plane at an angle (30 degrees or so) above it. It should look something like the following:
I'm not not having luck with view (because I think it only rotates about z axis). I'm trying to use view and then a camroll in something like this:
view(135,45) camroll(-45)
But I can't get it right. If anyone knows what to use please let me know.

Réponse acceptée

poopey le 26 Avr 2014
Try using a combination of the campos , camtarget , and camup functions.

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