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How to save multiple images in a loop without over writing the previous ones?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I sub-divided 112 images into 16 images each so that I can get 1792 sub-images at the end. Now when I am saving these images using file_name=sprintf('%d.tiff',sliceNumber); imwrite(oneBlock, file_name); in a loop; only 16 images are saved, over writing the previous images, how can I save all the 1792 images?

Réponse acceptée

Mahdi le 21 Mai 2014
Have you considered creating a 3D matrix with pages? Something like initializing a loop variable for each image? For example:
for i=1:16 %the 16 images you have
MatSave(:,:,i)=[] %The matrix that you want to save

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