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System of non linear differential equations

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Antonio le 5 Juin 2014
Commenté : Sara le 5 Juin 2014
Hi, I'm trying to solve a system of non linear differential equations, in which dv/dt is a function of two parameters (v and r) and dr/dt is a function of v and r. I need to obtain the values of v and r. Any suggestions?

Réponses (1)

Sara le 5 Juin 2014
You can use ode45 for non-stiff problems and ode15s for stiff problems
  2 commentaires
Antonio le 5 Juin 2014
thank you:) now I want to transform the two differential equations into a space state system, because I wanna know the step response through the command "lsim". How can I resolve?
Sara le 5 Juin 2014
I can't help you with that. You may want to post a new question.

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