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Size of the array after Huffman Encoding

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ayesha le 18 Juin 2014
I have observed that the size of the array generally increasing after huffman encoding process in MATLAB. For example:
sig = repmat([3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3],1,5); % Data to encode
symbols = [1 2 3]; % Distinct data symbols appearing in sig
p = [0.1 0.1 0.8]; % Probability of each data symbol
dict = huffmandict(symbols,p); % Create the dictionary.
hcode = huffmanenco(sig,dict); % Encode the data.
Here, sig: 1x50 double, however, after encoding, hcode becomes 1x60 double. I thought encoding process would reduce the number of elements. I would appreciate if someone could explain this and if possible, how to determine the size of array after encoding.

Réponses (1)

José-Luis le 18 Juin 2014
The performance of encoding algorithms will depend on the structure of the underlying data. The combination of structure/algorithm will yield better or worse results depending on the fit. Sometimes you might get a longer file than what you originally had.
If you want to get the size of the array, please look at the built-in function size()


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