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3D directivity plot, TriScatterInterp

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Fabio Kaiser Fabio Kaiser
Fabio Kaiser Fabio Kaiser le 18 Août 2011
I want to create a 3D directivity plot (balloon plot) of the radiation of whatever.
This is not a hard task as I can just create measurement points on a sphere and then use surf to plot the points with the measured magnitude being the radius.
Now I want to measure only on a few points on the sphere and then interpolate to a more dense grid of points to make nice plots.
I have tried using TriScatterInterp with little success. It seems that the main problem is that the dense grid is outside the triangulation which yields NaN. But as it is the case nearly everywhere, I don't know how to deal with it.
Can anybody help me with that one...!?
Thanks in advance

Réponses (1)

Aurelien Queffurust
Aurelien Queffurust le 10 Oct 2011
What about switching method as explained in the doc: Interpolant Outputs NaN Values
What we can read: An interpolant that uses the 'linear' or 'natural' method will return NaN values when evaluated at a query point outside the convex hull. These methods do not perform extrapolation outside of the convex hull of the point locations. However, you can identify such points and assign a value or reevaluate the interpolant using the 'nearest' method to get a representative value at that location.


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