How do I smooth a plot ?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nimrod Daniel
Nimrod Daniel le 8 Juil 2014
Commenté : Nimrod Daniel le 9 Juil 2014
Assuming I get a flying route graph like the attached one. Now I want the insect to fly in a smooth way - finite turning radius and finite accelerations. In other words, I want the 90 degrees turn into a vertical search to look like a curve, what's the best way to do it ?
Of course that I can lose some of the data points and replace them with others, or even add some new points in order to get a smooth curves, rather than an abrupt 90 degrees turns.

Réponse acceptée

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) le 9 Juil 2014
If you have the signal processing toolbox FILTFILT, otherwise FILTER
x = [2 4 6 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ] ;
y = [5 5 5 5 5 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 ] ;
n = 4 ; % smoothing window
b = ones(1,n) ;
xf = filtfilt(b,n,x) ;
yf = filtfilt(b,n,y) ;
plot(x,y,'bo',xf,yf,'r.-') ;
  1 commentaire
Nimrod Daniel
Nimrod Daniel le 9 Juil 2014
Thanks, your code works nicely, I'll check it out.

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Plus de réponses (2)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) le 8 Juil 2014
You want to apply 2D (3D?) smoothing filters, which is quite easy if you have the signal processing toolbox. You can also search the File Exchange for suggestions.

Nimrod Daniel
Nimrod Daniel le 8 Juil 2014
Yeah, 2D graph. Can you be more specific? which tool is the easiest to use ?


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