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Why is Matlab not writing out all the terms in an expansion?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Lillian le 12 Juil 2014
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
I am trying to expand some polynomials, and I typed: >> y1
Syms s1 s2 s3 s4;
y1 = (s1^2 - 4*s2 + 8*s4^(1/2))*(4*s2 - s1^2 + 8*s4^(1/2));
>> expand(y1)
And Matlab told me that
ans =
- s1^4 + 8*s1^2*s2 - 16*s2^2 + 64*s4.
But I'm pretty sure the answer should have six terms, so what's happening?
  2 commentaires
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek le 13 Juil 2014
The result is correct, just check it again
Lillian le 13 Juil 2014
Oh, you're right. And I typed in the expressions wrong. Thanks.

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