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Hack the createMask function

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Xinyi Li
Xinyi Li le 19 Août 2021
Commenté : Xinyi Li le 20 Août 2021
I had been working on Dicom files and recently switched to txt files exported by inhouse functions. I was trying to use the createMask function to convert structure contours into binary masks. However, I don't use Dicom files any more. So I wrote the same information as in the dicomcontours object into a structure and fed it to the createMask function. Then I realized that createMask does not accept data types other than dicomcontours as the first input. Is there a way to convert the structure into a dicomcontours class or hack into the createMask function to force it to allow my input? Any comments are appreciated!
  2 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 19 Août 2021
Not sure what kind of information is available in your structure...
Xinyi Li
Xinyi Li le 20 Août 2021
@Walter Roberson Thanks for the info! The function createMask is preferred is because it requires minimum amount of changes in my previous code that works with Dicom files. I have converted my txt files into a similar form as in dicomcontours. Now what I'm doing is saving an empty dicomcontours object and add new contours into it. Not sure if this will cause problems later.

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