Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

how to process the data in a file and repeat the procedure for different folders?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
kimy le 23 Août 2021
Commenté : Wan Ji le 23 Août 2021
I have a set of files called "p" under the folder of "surface->0.1 (folder named by time steps)->patchgorund->scalarField". As you can see in the attachment, in the file "p" there are 400 data inside bracket. Now I have to change those data by minus a number, for example, p-1000. Then repeat this procedure for each folder (0.1, 0.2, 0.3.....->patchgorund->scalarField->p). Do you have any ideas?
  2 commentaires
Stephen23 le 23 Août 2021
"Do you have any ideas?"
Loop over the folders, import the file data, change the data, export the data to file.

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Wan Ji
Wan Ji le 23 Août 2021
Here is an example for reading files and changing its content
q = 0.1:0.1:2;
folder = arrayfun(@(i)['surface\',num2str(q(i)),'\patch_ground\scalarField\p'],1:numel(q),'uniform',0);
for i = 1:1:numel(fid)
s = fileread(folder{i});
ch = s;
s1 = strfind(ch,'(');
s2 = strfind(ch,')');
data = str2num(ch(s1+1:s2-1)) - 1000; % minus 1000
ss = num2str(data','%f\n');
ch = [ch(1:s1), ss, ch(s2:end)];
fid = fopen(folder{i},'wt');
  5 commentaires
kimy le 23 Août 2021
However, what I got is like below if I added '\n', which seems to me '\n' was regarded as a string in this case.
Wan Ji
Wan Ji le 23 Août 2021
you can use newline instead ch = [ch(1:s1),newline, ss, newline,ch(s2:end)];

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