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How to plot multiple box plots on same graph with same size vector?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
DulceEien le 28 Août 2021
Commenté : Wan Ji le 28 Août 2021
Hello, I have two vectors with the same length and I want to plot both in the same boxplot but I can only see one
I tried this
vol = [D1(:,1);C1(:,1)];
plot = figure;
title('Volume differences')
ylabel('Volume [m^{3}]')

Réponse acceptée

Wan Ji
Wan Ji le 28 Août 2021
Hi, just change line 1
vol = [D1(:,1);C1(:,1)];
vol = [D1(:,1), C1(:,1)];

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