How to track progress with programmatically run Test Manager (
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Simulink Test Manager is very handy and allows to track the progress in its window (sltestmgr).
But I could not find how to track its execution programmatically after running command
I tried using timers but they seem to not be able to disrupt the command, as if it was atomic. I assume that this is one of limitations mentioned here:
The only callbacks that affect Command Window (e.x. disp() ) are Setup Callbacks but due to the Test Execution Order they are useless in that case.
Such progress tracking is much needed especially when using long or many test cases.
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Réponses (1)
Samay Sagar
le 24 Mai 2024
Although the built-in “” command does not provide a direct way to monitor progress in real-time, a workaround can be employed to achieve progress tracking by leveraging a combination of callbacks, event listeners, and custom logging mechanisms. Here is a structured approach to accomplish this:
1. Set Up Custom Logging in Test Scripts: Modify test cases to include custom logging statements at critical points. This can help to track progress manually through log files or variables.
disp('Starting test case 1');
% Your test code here
disp('Completed test case 1');
2. Use Event Listeners: Create event listeners to capture events during the test execution. These listeners can log the progress to a file or variable that can be monitored.
function setupListeners()
% Create a listener for test case start
tcListenerStart = addlistener(sltest.testmanager.TestCaseEventData, ...
'TestCaseStarted', @(src, event) logProgress(event, 'started'));
% Create a listener for test case completion
tcListenerEnd = addlistener(sltest.testmanager.TestCaseEventData, ...
'TestCaseCompleted', @(src, event) logProgress(event, 'completed'));
function logProgress(event, status)
message = sprintf('Test Case %s %s', event.TestCase.Name, status);
function logProgressToFile(message)
fid = fopen('test_progress.log', 'a');
fprintf(fid, '%s: %s\n', datestr(now, 'HH:MM:SS'), message);
3. Polling Mechanism: Implement a polling mechanism that periodically checks the status of the test execution. Although this might not provide real-time updates, it can give a near-real-time view of the progress.
function monitorProgress()
while true
pause(10); % Adjust the polling interval as needed
function checkProgress()
% Replace this with actual logic to check the test manager's status
% For example, read a log file or check a global variable
fid = fopen('test_progress.log', 'r');
if fid == -1
disp('Log file not found');
logContents = fread(fid, '*char')';
For more information about “addlistener”, “fopen” and “fclose”, refer the following documentation:
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