How does predict with ensemble regression works?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tania le 13 Août 2014
Commenté : Machine Learning le 10 Fév 2015
This might be a silly question...iam using bagging with regression trees. I built for instance 10 different trees, then I average them. when I then use predict to predict my y value, how does it work? does it somehow average the fitted y values?!
thanks for your help!!

Réponse acceptée

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna le 13 Août 2014
Modifié(e) : Shashank Prasanna le 13 Août 2014
For classification the output of the ensemble is the class that gets majority vote from all the learners. For regression the results are averaged.
  2 commentaires
Tania le 14 Août 2014
So for instance, if i have 10 observations and I built 5 different trees. i take all their predicted y values of the different trees and average them,yes?
Machine Learning
Machine Learning le 10 Fév 2015
Short answer is yes.
However if you want a more accurate y you have to look into boosting.

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