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How do I stop webread from converting "%2B" into "+"?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nathan Lively
Nathan Lively le 10 Oct 2021
Commenté : Nathan Lively le 25 Oct 2021
Unforunately, every time it webread runs it converts the all of the "%2B" into "+" and then returns an error. How do I get it to use the exact URL as entered???
It keeps returning this error:
Error using matlab.internal.webservices.HTTPConnector/copyContentToFile (line 389)
The server returned the status 403 with message "Forbidden" in response to the request to URL
Error in readContentFromWebService (line 62)
copyContentToFile(connection, filename);
Error in webread (line 125)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = readContentFromWebService(connection, options);
Here's my code:
TF = webread('https://s3.amazonaws.com/appforest_uf/f1620499445726x864228122125595900/JBL%20VRX932LAP%20PSHF%2B3dB%20-%202m%20-%207150%20142.csv')
  7 commentaires
Rik le 25 Oct 2021
There isn't any command that I'm aware of. The idea is to replace every character with a value above 255 (or with a special meaning) by its hexadecimal version. So '+' becomes '%2B'. Since webread parses your URL for these changes, you can double-encode them: use '%252B' instead.
The idea is that webread parses the '%25' to a percent symbol and leaves the rest as is.
I have not tested this idea.
Nathan Lively
Nathan Lively le 25 Oct 2021
Thanks Rik. I tried this. Unfortunately, it produces the same error.
oldURL = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/appforest_uf/f1620499445726x864228122125595900/JBL%20VRX932LAP%20PSHF%2B3dB%20-%202m%20-%207150%20142.csv';
newURL = strrep(url,'%2B','%252B');
TF = webread(newURL);

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