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Simulation with large Data and Simulation​Data.Datas​etRef Objects; Avoiding eval

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Florian Rössing
Florian Rössing le 26 Oct 2021
Modifié(e) : Alvaro le 28 Nov 2022
Hi everyone,
for my PhD project I need to run simulations in Simulink. In a Monte Carlo Approach I want to simulate many inputs (order of several 100) that I randomly generate. As these Signal Timeseries' require a lot of Memory, so I opted for using DatasetRef Objects: https://de.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/simulink.simulationdata.datasetref-class.html
As also described here: https://de.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/stream-input-data-for-a-parallel-simulation.html I want to stream my Data. In the example however they have their Datasets for simulations named Road1, Road2 etc, which I have read is bad practice, so I want to avoid it.
I already learned, that I can save my data as a Cell Array of datasets that each contain a timeseries with input data. However I cannot create DatasetRef Object from those entries to hand over to parsim, as the Simulink.SimulationData.DatasetRef() function requires a variable name as an input, but does not accept "Data{i}" as a variable name.
Unfortunately the Data is to large for upload but my code would look like this:
Store = matfile(append(path,"test.mat"));
for i=1:numTestCases
And Store beeing:
Store =
Properties.Source: 'path\test.mat'
Properties.Writable: false
Properties.ProtectedLoading: false
Data: [20x1 cell]
Has someone here an idea how to avoid using eval to just create the datasets as Data1,Data2 etc?
Cheers and thank you
  1 commentaire
Alvaro le 28 Nov 2022
Modifié(e) : Alvaro le 28 Nov 2022
You can look at what is loaded in the example given in the documentation that you linked by executing
structExample = load('suspn_3dof_test_cases.mat')
and you can see that it is not a cell array of datasets but a struct with fields Road1, Road2, etc.
It is possible to dynamically add fields to structs:
For example, see the struct generated by this code.
for i = 1:10
road = strcat('Road',num2str(i));
myStruct.(road) = rand(1,3);
Could you explain further why generating a struct in this manner would cause any issues?
Alternatively, you could consider converting your cell array to an struct using cell2struct.

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Réponses (1)

Smattering_Applause le 23 Juin 2022
If you can make it a cell array you can make it a struct, then save the struct in that method and load and then you'll have variable names without eval.


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