Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres


4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
tsuyoshi tsunoda
tsuyoshi tsunoda le 7 Nov 2021
% Create the face detector object.
eyeDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('EyePairBig');
mouthDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('Mouth');
% Create the point tracker object.
pointTracker = vision.PointTracker('MaxBidirectionalError', 2);
% Create the webcam object.
cam = webcam();
% Capture one frame to get its size.
videoFrame = snapshot(cam);
frameSize = size(videoFrame);
% Create the video player object.
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [100 100 [frameSize(2), frameSize(1)]+30]);
runLoop = true;
numPts1 = 0;
numPts2 = 0;
while runLoop
% Get the next frame.
videoFrame = snapshot(cam);
videoFrameGray = rgb2gray(videoFrame);
if numPts1 < 10
% Detection mode.
bbox1 = eyeDetector.step(videoFrameGray);
bbox2 = mouthDetector.step(videoFrameGray);
if ~isempty(bbox1)
% Find corner points inside the detected region.
points1 = detectMinEigenFeatures(videoFrameGray, 'ROI', bbox1(1, :));
points2 = detectMinEigenFeatures(videoFrameGray, 'ROI', bbox2(1, :));
% Re-initialize the point tracker.
xyPoints1 = points1.Location;
numPts1 = size(xyPoints1,4);
initialize(pointTracker, xyPoints1, videoFrameGray);
xyPoints2 = points2.Location;
numPts2 = size(xyPoints2,4);
initialize(pointTracker, xyPoints2, videoFrameGray);
% Save a copy of the points.
oldPoints1 = xyPoints1;
oldPoints2 = xyPoints2;
% Convert the rectangle represented as [x, y, w, h] into an
% M-by-2 matrix of [x,y] coordinates of the four corners. This
% is needed to be able to transform the bounding box to display
% the orientation of the face.
bboxPoints1 = bbox2points(bbox1(1, :));
bboxPoints2 = bbox2points(bbox2(1, :));
% Convert the box corners into the [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]
% format required by insertShape.
bboxPolygon1 = reshape(bboxPoints1', 1, []);
bboxPolygon2 = reshape(bboxPoints2', 1, []);
% Display a bounding box around the detected face.
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon1, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon2, 'LineWidth', 3);
% Bounding Boxの位置は[x, y, width, height] ⇒ x座標に幅の1/6,4/6を足し、幅を1/6にする
lefteye = [bbox1(1)+bbox1(3)*1/6 bbox1(2) bbox1(3)/6 bbox1(4)];
righteye = [bbox1(1)+bbox1(3)*4/6 bbox1(2) bbox1(3)/6 bbox1(4)];
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame,'rectangle', lefteye,'Color','red','LineWidth',3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame,'rectangle',righteye,'Color','red','LineWidth',3);
% Tracking mode.
[xyPoints1, isFound1] = step(pointTracker, videoFrameGray);
visiblePoints1 = xyPoints1(isFound1, :);
oldInliers1 = oldPoints1(isFound1, :);
[xyPoints2, isFound2] = step(pointTracker, videoFrameGray);
visiblePoints2 = xyPoints2(isFound2, :);
oldInliers2 = oldPoints2(isFound2, :);
numPts1 = size(visiblePoints1, 1);
numPts2 = size(visiblePoints2, 1);
if numPts1 >= 10
% Estimate the geometric transformation between the old points
% and the new points.
[xform1, inlierIdx] = estimateGeometricTransform2D(...
oldInliers1, visiblePoints1, 'similarity', 'MaxDistance', 4);
oldInliers1 = oldInliers1(inlierIdx, :);
visiblePoints1 = visiblePoints1(inlierIdx, :);
[xform2, inlierIdx] = estimateGeometricTransform2D(...
oldInliers2, visiblePoints2, 'similarity', 'MaxDistance', 4);
oldInliers2 = oldInliers2(inlierIdx, :);
visiblePoints2 = visiblePoints2(inlierIdx, :);
% Apply the transformation to the bounding box.
bboxPoints1 = transformPointsForward(xform1, bboxPoints1);
bboxPoints2 = transformPointsForward(xform1, bboxPoints2);
% Convert the box corners into the [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]
% format required by insertShape.
bboxPolygon1 = reshape(bboxPoints1', 1, []);
bboxPolygon2 = reshape(bboxPoints2', 1, []);
% Display a bounding box around the face being tracked.
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon1, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon2, 'LineWidth', 3);
% Bounding Boxの位置は[x, y, width, height] ⇒ x座標に幅の1/6,4/6を足し、幅を1/6にする
lefteye = [bbox1(1)+bbox1(3)*1/6 bbox1(2) bbox1(3)/6 bbox1(4)];
righteye = [bbox1(1)+bbox1(3)*4/6 bbox1(2) bbox1(3)/6 bbox1(4)];
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame,'rectangle', lefteye,'Color','red','LineWidth',3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame,'rectangle',righteye,'Color','red','LineWidth',3);
% Reset the points.
oldPoints1 = visiblePoints1;
setPoints(pointTracker, oldPoints1);
oldPoints2 = visiblePoints1;
setPoints(pointTracker, oldPoints2);
% Display the annotated video frame using the video player object.
step(videoPlayer, videoFrame);
% Check whether the video player window has been closed.
runLoop = isOpen(videoPlayer);
% Clean up.
clear cam;
  2 commentaires
Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno le 8 Nov 2021
  • 検出モードでは、必ず垂直なBounding Boxで対象物を囲む形で検出されます
  • 追跡モードでは、フレーム間における追跡ポイントの動きを検出するのでBounding Boxの回転にも対応します
  • 検出モードで一度でも十分な追跡ポイントが得られれば追跡モードに移行します
  • 追跡モードで追跡ポイント数が閾値を下回ったら検出モードに戻ります
  • なぜBounding Boxの[x, y, w, h]表現を[x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]表現に変えるのか
  •  ⇒追跡モードでBounding Boxが回転した時にinsertShape関数でポリゴン表示する為
bboxPoints1 = bbox2points(bbox1(1, :)); % bbox1はBBox[x, y, w, h]、bboxPoints1は[x,y]座標の行列
bboxPolygon1 = reshape(bboxPoints1', 1, []); % bboxPolygon1は[x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]表現
追跡モードでは2枚のフレームにおける追跡ポイントの差分を検出して、これに基づいてBounding Boxの位置を変更します。
% Apply the transformation to the bounding box.
bboxPoints1 = transformPointsForward(xform1, bboxPoints1);
bboxPoints2 = transformPointsForward(xform1, bboxPoints2);
この変更するBounding Boxの位置情報は、回転に表現する為xy座標の行列に変換したbboxPoints1,bboxPoints2に対して行っています。一方検出モードで得られたBBox[x, y, w, h]の情報(bbox1,bbox2)は、検出モードでしか更新されません。なので、追跡モードに追記したEyePairBigのBounding Boxの位置は動かないと思います。
tsuyoshi tsunoda
tsuyoshi tsunoda le 9 Nov 2021

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Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno le 9 Nov 2021
【回答】Bounding Boxの重心の求め方
lefteye = bbox2points([bbox1(1,1)+bbox1(1,3)*1/6 bbox1(1,2) bbox1(1,3)/6 bbox1(1,4)]);
lefteye_cx = (lefteye(1,1) + lefteye(3,1)) / 2;
lefteye_cy = (lefteye(1,2) + lefteye(3,2)) / 2;
righteye = bbox2points([bbox1(1,1)+bbox1(1,3)*4/6 bbox1(1,2) bbox1(1,3)/6 bbox1(1,4)]);
righteye_cx = (righteye(1,1) + righteye(3,1)) / 2;
righteye_cy = (righteye(1,2) + righteye(3,2)) / 2;
Bounding Boxの回転に対応する為、bbox2points関数で[x, y, w, h]形式から[x,y]の行列に変換しています。この際、Bounding Boxの四隅が反時計回りに列挙される事が重要です。MATLABの配列は0ベースではなく1ベースなので、1番目と3番目、または2番目と4番目の座標を選択する事により対角線上の座標ペアを取得する事が出来ます。
% 直方体の重心はどちらかの対角線の中点です。重心の座標計算に異なる点のペアを使用します。
% 異なる点のペアが隣接した順序ではないことに注意してください。
% 対角線上の点は、1と2、0と3です。どちらかのペアを使用してください。
% 矩形のコーナーのリスト。[x,y]座標の4行2列の行列または[x,y]座標の4行2列のM配列として返されます.
% 矩形の出力点は,左上隅から反時計回りに列挙されます.
【参考】重心の求め方にも影響するので、Bounding Boxを回転に対応させる方法についてもコメント致します。
'EyePairBig'の検出器eyeDetectorの検出結果はbbox1([x, y, w, h])です。検出後すぐにbboxPoints1([x,y]の行列)に変換し、Bounding Box情報はこの形で検出モードと追跡モードを行き来します。検出モードではBounding Boxが垂直なのでbbox1([x, y, w, h])を'rectangle'表示しても問題ありませんが、追跡モードではBounding Boxの回転にも対応する為'Polygon'表示が必要です。bboxPolygon1([x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4])は'Polygon'表示に必要で、表示の都度bboxPoints1([x,y]の行列)から変換します。
% こちらは検出モード
% Convert the rectangle represented as [x, y, w, h] into an
% M-by-2 matrix of [x,y] coordinates of the four corners. This
% is needed to be able to transform the bounding box to display
% the orientation of the face.
bboxPoints1 = bbox2points(bbox1(1, :));
lefteye = bbox2points([bbox1(1,1)+bbox1(1,3)*1/6 bbox1(1,2) bbox1(1,3)/6 bbox1(1,4)]);
righteye = bbox2points([bbox1(1,1)+bbox1(1,3)*4/6 bbox1(1,2) bbox1(1,3)/6 bbox1(1,4)]);
bboxPoints2 = bbox2points(bbox2(1, :));
% Convert the box corners into the [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]
% format required by insertShape.
bboxPolygon1 = reshape(bboxPoints1', 1, []);
lefteyePolygon = reshape(lefteye', 1, []);
righteyePolygon = reshape(righteye', 1, []);
bboxPolygon2 = reshape(bboxPoints2', 1, []);
% Display a bounding box around the detected face.
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon1, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', lefteyePolygon, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', righteyePolygon, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon2, 'LineWidth', 3);
% こちらは追跡モード
% Apply the transformation to the bounding box.
bboxPoints1 = transformPointsForward(xform1, bboxPoints1);
lefteye = transformPointsForward(xform1, lefteye);
righteye = transformPointsForward(xform1, righteye);
bboxPoints2 = transformPointsForward(xform1, bboxPoints2);
% Convert the box corners into the [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]
% format required by insertShape.
bboxPolygon1 = reshape(bboxPoints1', 1, []);
lefteyePolygon = reshape(lefteye', 1, []);
righteyePolygon = reshape(righteye', 1, []);
bboxPolygon2 = reshape(bboxPoints2', 1, []);
% Display a bounding box around the face being tracked.
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon1, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', lefteyePolygon, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', righteyePolygon, 'LineWidth', 3);
videoFrame = insertShape(videoFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPolygon2, 'LineWidth', 3);
  1 commentaire
tsuyoshi tsunoda
tsuyoshi tsunoda le 10 Nov 2021

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