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fanimator usage for animation production

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ahmad yassine
Ahmad yassine le 8 Déc 2021
f = @(t) plot(t,1,'r*');
i am tryin fanimator on my desk and it is not working at all , it is giving this error and i am not getting the poit actually , any help ??
Undefined function 'fanimator' for input arguments of type 'sym'.
Error in Untitled (line 4)
fanimator(@fplot,cos(x)+t,sin(x)+1,[-pi pi])

Réponses (1)

Jaswanth le 11 Oct 2023
Hi Ahmad yassine,
I have tried running the mentioned example, and it is working fine for me. For more information on the "fanimator" function, the following documentation link will be helpful.
Please make sure to use MATLAB R2019a and above as this function has been introduced in R2019a version. Following documentation on “Resolve Error: Undefined Function or Variable” could be helpful.
Hope this Helps.


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