I am getting this error
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j = 1:length(fileNames)
thisFile = fileNames(j).name;
file_info = split(extractBefore(thisFile,'.txt'), "_");
block = file_info{2,1};
strainrate = file_info{3,1};
trial = file_info{5,1};
trialtxt = char(trial);
trialnum = trialtxt(2)-'0';
sheet = sprintf('%s_%s',char(block),char(strainrate));
if trialnum == 1
fig = fig+1;
fig = fig;
% for i = 1:6
% Average Initial Length
dimensions(i,1) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('B%d:B%d',cell,cell));
% Length After Test
area = (table2array(dimensions(:,3))./1000).*(table2array(dimensions(:,4))./1000);
readFile = importdata(fileNames(j).name);
fileData = readFile.data;
compressionDisp = fileData(:,1);
load = fileData(:,2);
time = fileData(:,3);
k = find(compressionDisp==0);
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in untitled2 (line 41)
fileData = readFile(j).data;
The readFile.data is working in b but not in a version how can i make it work in a version as well.
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Réponses (2)
Cris LaPierre
le 30 Jan 2022
Modifié(e) : Cris LaPierre
le 31 Jan 2022
You use importdata to create readFile, which returns data from the file as a matrix, multidimensional array, or scalar structure array, depending on the characteristics of the file. Perhaps the characteristics of your file are resulting in it returning a matrix instead of a structure?
4 commentaires
Cris LaPierre
le 31 Jan 2022
With the files you have shared here, your code runs. Is there a different file that you are testing with that, when loaded, causes this error?
Note that the file names of the attached text files do not match the expected naming convention of your code. I had to append one more underscore at the start to get the code to run.
fileNames = dir('*.txt');
cell = 6;
cell2 = 8;
fig = 1;
for j = 1:length(fileNames)
thisFile = fileNames(j).name;
file_info = split(extractBefore(thisFile,'.txt'), "_");
block = file_info{2,1};
strainrate = file_info{3,1};
trial = file_info{5,1};
trialtxt = char(trial);
trialnum = trialtxt(2)-'0';
sheet = sprintf('%s_%s',char(block),char(strainrate));
if trialnum == 1
fig = fig+1;
fig = fig;
% for i = 1:6
% Average Initial Length
dimensions(i,1) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('B%d:B%d',cell,cell));
% Length After Test
dimensions(i,2) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('B%d:B%d',cell2,cell2));
% Average Initial Width
dimensions(i,3) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('C%d:C%d',cell,cell));
% Average Initial Thickness
dimensions(i,4) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('D%d:D%d',cell,cell));
% Width After Test
dimensions(i,5) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('C%d:C%d',cell2,cell2));
% Thickness After Test
dimensions(i,6) = readtable('BMES 442 642 Lab 2 Geometric Measurements(2).xlsx','Sheet',sheet,'Range',sprintf('D%d:D%d',cell2,cell2));
% end
area = (table2array(dimensions(:,3))./1000).*(table2array(dimensions(:,4))./1000);
readFile = importdata(fileNames(j).name);
fileData = readFile.data;
compressionDisp = fileData(:,1);
load = fileData(:,2);
time = fileData(:,3);
k = find(compressionDisp==0);
disp = compressionDisp(k(end):end);
newload = load(k(end):end);
hold on
xlabel('Compression displacement (mm)')
ylabel('Load (N)')
title(sprintf('Load-Displacement of %s',sheet))
xlim([-5 0])
ylim([-10000 0])
stress = newload/area;
finalL = table2array(dimensions(:,2));
initialL = table2array(dimensions(:,1));
strain = finalL-initialL/initialL;
emod = abs(stress/strain);
avgEmod = mean(emod);
avgEmodMPA = avgEmod/1E+06;
cell = cell + 8*trialnum;
cell2 = cell2 + 8*trialnum;
eModTable{j,1} = block(1);
eModTable{j,2} = block(2);
eModTable{j,3} = strainrate;
eModTable{j,4} = trialnum;
eModTable{j,5} = avgEmodMPA;
Manav Divekar
le 31 Jan 2022
4 commentaires
Cris LaPierre
le 31 Jan 2022
I get no error for any of your files.
Somehow your version of readFile is different. Your code runs, so try to explore that. Clear your workspace (clear) and rerun your code. If you get the error still, run the following code in your command window and share the results.
whos readFile
Attach the file identified by the 2nd line.
Note that, no matter what, your code is always loading the last file loaded. The index j is your for loop loop counter, which has already run, so j is equal to length(fileNames) at this point.
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