MEX compilation failed with message: C compiler produced errors. See build log for compiler error:

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
simple function file i.e performing addition of 2 input variables. this function file is converted to c code using matlab coder. further, for sil testing i have followed the steps as in the document i.e link : but i am getting the error as mentioned above and in the build log it is coming like...
ninja: error: '/lib/addOne/interface/_coder_addOne_info.c', needed by '_coder_addOne_info.o', missing and no known rule to make it
??? MEX compilation failed with message: C compiler produced errors.
See build log for compiler error:
Code generation failed: View Error Report
plz help me
  5 commentaires
Jeevan Kulal
Jeevan Kulal le 16 Fév 2022
Yes,I have a compiler selected using "mex -setup C" i.e MInGW-w64.
What is the command line you are using?- Can I get more details on this because I am not using any command line.
Jan le 16 Fév 2022
The most important information is still missing: "See buildlog for compiler errors". You will find the details there.

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Réponses (1)

Akshat Dalal
Akshat Dalal le 1 Juil 2024
Hi Jeevan,
This issue might be happening because the mex compiler is unable to find the CPP file for your function.This might happen as the CPP is a handwritten file instead of a auto-generated file.
This issue can be resolved if you could provide the missing file "_coder_addOne_info.c" to your path using the below command
srcFile = coder.const(fullfile(path, '_coder_addOne_info.c'));


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