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How can I map consecutive elements to a vector value?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
James le 5 Déc 2014
Hello -
I'm a bit of a novice, and could use a hand. I have a data set, which I have manipulated to output row and column indices in two variables (I used [r,c,v]=find(1 < X & X < 5), to generate the row and column indices). I also have two vectors, a 1 x 41 that corresponds to the number of total columns (t), and another 22198 x 1 that corresponds to the total number of rows (m). What I would like is for the final product to be a two column list with 'm' as column 1 and 't' as column 2. Is there a way to relate the values in 'r' to the values in 'm' (the same for 'c' and 't')? For instance, any time a '1' is observed in 'r', the value of the first element in 'm' is returned, thus generating a peak list of sorts.
Thank you all in advance.

Réponse acceptée

Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali le 5 Déc 2014
That is easy,
r and c are the row and column index of X. I am assuming X is of size 22198x41, (since your m is 22198 and your t is 41); So if you want to get the corresponding numbers out just do this
so if r=1 then first element of M is returned. if r=10 then 10th element of M is returned. The same goes for t.
  2 commentaires
James le 5 Déc 2014
Thank you very much for your help!! Still have a lot of learning to do. . .
Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali le 5 Déc 2014
You are welcome.

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