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Creating Visual studio project with MATLAB coder generated code

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Kaushik Gowda
Kaushik Gowda le 3 Mar 2022
Hi Mathworks,
I have generated the source code for the my matlab function using the MATLAB coder. I am also using a call to dsp.IFFT() in my code which has created a dspfft.dll dependency in my generated C code. I am trying to establish a visual studio solution to debug and run the generated code with custom main file. I have also used the packNgo function to package all generated code dependencies into zip before adding source in Visual studio. I am getting the following error in visual studio when the source code is trying to load this libray :
Could not open library: dspfft.dll.
To run the generated code outside the MATLAB environment, use the packNGo function.
Error: Could not open library: dspfft.dll.
To run the generated code outside the MATLAB environment, use the packNGo function.
Please let us know what what changes need to made to generated c source code to migrate into visual studio environment or how to setup other dependencies on the side of visual studio.
Note : Both the Matlab coder and DSP system toolbox are the latest version and licences for the same have been purchased.
Thanks and regards,
Kaushik Gowda

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