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MATLAB code for non subsampled shearlet transform

14 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jinu Sebastian
Jinu Sebastian le 21 Mar 2022
I am doing medical image fusion of CT and MRI images. I want to perform NSST on both CT and MRI images to get high pass and low pass coefficients. is there any matlab code available for performing NSST on an image to get low pass and high pass coefficients? I want to perform separate operations on the decomposed low pass and high pass coefficients separately. please help.

Réponses (2)

yanqi liu
yanqi liu le 22 Mar 2022
yes,sir,may be use NSST toolbox,such as

HAONAN TIAN le 27 Juin 2022
this code included the toolbox,it may be what you want, best wishes.




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