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questdlg issue about size of the font

14 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Davide Di Luzio
Davide Di Luzio le 21 Avr 2022
Commenté : Walter Roberson le 22 Avr 2022
There is a way to set fontsize of questdlg without using tex interpreter or html language?
Here is an example that currently doesn't work :
answer=questdlg('\fontsize{20} MOSTRARE RISULTATI CALCOLATI?')

Réponses (1)

Voss le 21 Avr 2022
Using tex interpreter is going to be much easier than any other way:
answer = questdlg('\fontsize{20}MOSTRARE RISULTATI CALCOLATI?','', ...
If the dialog box was not modal you could modify properties of its contents immediately after it's created, e.g., using findall/findobj, but it is modal, so that doesn't work.
Another option would be to copy questdlg.m and modify it to do whatever you want.
  2 commentaires
Davide Di Luzio
Davide Di Luzio le 22 Avr 2022
HI thanks for your reply.
I already know that tex interpreter is the better way but :
using tex interpreter i have to specifie all the arguments ?
currently this doesn't work using dot notation :
optsa.Interpreter = 'tex';
optsa.WindowStyle = 'modal';
answer=questdlg('\fontsize{20} MOSTRARE RISULTATI CALCOLATI?',optsa)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 22 Avr 2022
You must pass in a title if you are going to provide options.
optsa.Interpreter = 'tex';
optsa.WindowStyle = 'modal';
answer=questdlg('\fontsize{20} MOSTRARE RISULTATI CALCOLATI?', '', optsa)

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