how to divide the Dataset into xtrain xtest ytrain ytest

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
uma le 25 Avr 2022
Commenté : uma le 2 Mai 2022
i have a dataset 2310x25 table and i want to divide it into xtrain xtest ytain ytest.

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uma le 28 Avr 2022
I have attached my two datasets. please help us how we can use it.
  1 commentaire
Chunru le 28 Avr 2022
load cmc2.mat
t = readtable('cmc1.csv');
Warning: Column headers from the file were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers before creating variable names for the table. The original column headers are saved in the VariableDescriptions property.
Set 'VariableNamingRule' to 'preserve' to use the original column headers as table variable names.
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes ans 1x33 66 char cmc1 1473x10 121053 table cmdout 1x33 66 char data 1473x10 117840 double t 1473x10 122471 table
% head(t)
ns = size(data, 1); % number of samples
cv = cvpartition(ns, 'KFold', 10);
idxTrain = training(cv, 1);
idxTest = test(cv, 1);
traindata = data(idxTrain, :);
testdata = data(idxTest, :);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes ans 1x33 66 char cmc1 1473x10 121053 table cmdout 1x33 66 char cv 1x1 11978 cvpartition data 1473x10 117840 double idxTest 1473x1 1473 logical idxTrain 1473x1 1473 logical ns 1x1 8 double t 1473x10 122471 table testdata 147x10 11760 double traindata 1326x10 106080 double

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Plus de réponses (2)

Chunru le 25 Avr 2022
Modifié(e) : Chunru le 25 Avr 2022
% doc cvpartition
data = randn(2310, 25);
%cv = cvpartition(2310, 'Holdout', 0.3);
%idxTrain = training(cv);
%idxTest = test(cv);
cv = cvpartition(2310, 'KFold', 10);
idxTrain = training(cv, 1);
idxTest = test(cv, 1);
traindata = data(idxTrain, :);
testdata = data(idxTest, :);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes cmdout 1x33 66 char cv 1x1 18674 cvpartition data 2310x25 462000 double idxTest 2310x1 2310 logical idxTrain 2310x1 2310 logical testdata 231x25 46200 double traindata 2079x25 415800 double
  5 commentaires
uma le 28 Avr 2022
how to use .mat dataset file or csv file as you took data dimensions directly.
Chunru le 28 Avr 2022
I don't have your data so that I have to assume the dimension.
You can always read in the data and find the dimension.

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uma le 28 Avr 2022
i'm getting the error "Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent".
  4 commentaires
uma le 28 Avr 2022
any idea how to resolve the above error?
uma le 2 Mai 2022
any idea how to resolve the above error?

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