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Sorting rows into colums

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Contoso Donoso
Contoso Donoso le 7 Mai 2022

Im having a problem sorting a matrix
The matrix A is of size 1020x12

I want the 10 first rows of matrix A (consecutevely from left to right) to form the firt colum of matrix B and I need to do this every 10 rows from the whole matrix A to creat the matrix B of size 120,102
I would really appreciaty your help
Thanks in advance

Réponse acceptée

Jan le 7 Mai 2022
A = rand(1020, 12);
B = reshape(A.', 120, 12);
  1 commentaire
Contoso Donoso
Contoso Donoso le 8 Mai 2022
Yep! that's it! Thank you very much @Jan. The only thing is that B matrix is 120x102, but this does exactly what I was needing. Thanks again you, have saved so much time to this unexperienced person (me).

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