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Integral velocity to get angle

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Dekel Mashiach
Dekel Mashiach le 17 Mai 2022
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 17 Mai 2022
I'm trying to get the angle from mpu6050... anyone can help?
clear all; clc;
port = 'COM9'; %
board = 'Uno'; %
a = arduino(port,board,'Libraries', 'I2C'); %
imu = mpu6050(a);
velocity = readAngularVelocity(imu);
angle = integral(velocity,time) %need to fix
  3 commentaires
Dekel Mashiach
Dekel Mashiach le 17 Mai 2022
velocity is an array, and I need to get the angle (he is also an array)
Torsten le 17 Mai 2022
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 17 Mai 2022
angle = trapz(time,velocity)
if "angle" is the integral of "velocity" with respect to "time" and "time" is an array of the same size as "velocity".

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