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how can use kurtosis in 2D gray scale image segmentation?

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rasha le 27 Jan 2015
Commenté : Image Analyst le 6 Fév 2015
I wrote this code to find skewness and kurtosis for a 2D gray scale image, I wondered if is it right like this? and how can I use the kurtosis output image to segment the input image into objects?
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
figure;imshow(I), title('input image');
I = double(I);
[n m] = size(I);
skewness = zeros(size(I));
kurtosis = zeros(size(I));
M = zeros(8,1);
V = zeros(8,1);
MO3 = zeros(8,1);
MO4 = zeros(8,1);
r = 1;
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
for ii=-1:1
if iwin<1;
if iwin>n;
for jj=-1:1
if jwin<1
if jwin>m
if r<= 8
M(r,1) = I(iwin,jwin);
r = 1;
%calculate the mean value
m1 = ((sum(M))+I(i,j))/9;
%calculate the variance
for r = 1:8
V(r,1) = (M(r,1) - m1)^2;
MO3(r,1) = (M(r,1) - m1)^3;
MO4(r,1) = (M(r,1) - m1)^4;
x = (I(i,j)-m1)^2;
deviation = ((sum(V)+x)/9)^0.5;
x3 = (I(i,j)-m1)^3;
x4 = (I(i,j)-m1)^4;
%calculate the 3rd moment (skewness) high order statistic
moment3 = (sum(MO3)+x3)/9;
skewness(i,j) = (moment3/(deviation)^3);
%calculate the 4rd moment (skewness) high order statistic
moment4 = (sum(MO4)+x4)/9;
kurtosis(i,j) = (moment4/(deviation)^4);
figure, imagesc(skewness), title('skewness image');
figure, imagesc(kurtosis), title('kurtosis image');
thanks in advance

Réponse acceptée

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 27 Jan 2015
I'm attaching my demo on computing image moments like skew and kurtosis. I'm having trouble conceptualizing the kind of image where its kurtosis would be the best thing to use for image segmentation. Why are you considering that instead of other more traditional measurements? Can you attach your image and tell us what you'd like to measure?
I'm not sure what your triple for loop is doing because you didn't add any comments. What is it doing? What is M?
  14 commentaires
Rasha le 6 Fév 2015
Modifié(e) : Rasha le 6 Fév 2015
I apologies for late reply Image Analyst, yes it is in matlab toolbox, as in this link
and it's like you said a function of each column in image, so I tried to make the program above to find a kurtosis for each pixel but the resulted image refuse the function imhist to show the histogram of it. where is the wrong you think?
I need to understand the kurtosis very well to use it in watershed segmentation as reprocessing or in the processing, I don't want to use edge detection ordinary methods, I know they better for edges, I want to know what benefit of taking kurtosis for whole image? and for each pixel?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 6 Fév 2015
You can use blockproc() to do it. See attached examples. Replace one of the functions in the demo (like the median filter) with kurtosis. I still think there is a lack of theory behind it in general, but whatever...it's your project.

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