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Reading and processing multiple rows from Excel

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Suzanne Harley
Suzanne Harley le 28 Jan 2015
Réponse apportée : oliver le 26 Sep 2018
I have two spreadsheets with about 9000 rows of data each. I'm trying to take the data from the same row in each spreadsheet and process it like so:
A = xlsread('Book1.xlsx', 'A1:I1')
B = xlsread('Book2.xlsx', 'A1:I1')
How can I make a loop that increases the row number each time it runs? Or is there a better method for such a large sheet?
  2 commentaires
kmla le 25 Sep 2018
are you find a solution? I have the same problem

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Réponses (1)

oliver le 26 Sep 2018
You do a simple loop like so:
for i=1:n %n should contain the number of lines you want to run through
ln=num2str(i); % string of current line
A=xlsread('Book1.xlsx', ['A',ln,':I',ln])
B=xlsread('Book2.xlsx', ['A',ln,':I',ln])


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