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Stacked plots: display two variables on the same x-axis

31 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Farbod Tabaei
Farbod Tabaei le 7 Juin 2022
Commenté : Voss le 20 Juin 2022
Hello everyone,
I am trying to make a stacked plot of multiple variables, with the middle plot having two y-axes (please refer to the picture for clarification). I am having trouble setting the second y-axis on the right side and "VPD" is showing as a straight line since its values are much smaller than "PAR". The "VPD" is planned to be plotted as a bar plot. Here is the code that I am using:
T_Variables = table(date,Ta, PAR, VPD, REW, Ts_5cm, 'VariableNames' , {'Date' 'Ta','PAR','VPD','REW','Ts'});
TT_Variables = table2timetable(T_Variables);
TT_Variables_Monthly = retime(TT_Variables, 'monthly' , 'mean');
degreeSymbol = char(176);
newYlabels = ["Ta (" + degreeSymbol + "C)","PAR (umol/m2/s)","REW"];
Vars = {'Ta',{'PAR','VPD'},'REW'};
c = stackedplot(TT_Variables_Monthly,Vars,"Title","Stacked Plot","DisplayLabels",newYlabels);

Réponse acceptée

Voss le 18 Juin 2022
You can use subplot/tiledlayout with yyaxis, and then set the relevant axes properties to make the display more like what you get with stackedplot.
% using subplot:
ax = [ ...
subplot(3,1,1) ...
subplot(3,1,2) ...
subplot(3,1,3) ...
% using tiledlayout:
% t = tiledlayout(3,1);
% ax = [ ...
% nexttile(t) ...
% nexttile(t) ...
% nexttile(t) ...
% ];
% the code below works the same whether
% using subplot or tiledlayout:
xax = get(ax(1:2),'XAxis');
yax = get(ax(2),'YAxis');
  2 commentaires
Farbod Tabaei
Farbod Tabaei le 20 Juin 2022
Your codes on subplots will be extremely useful, thanks a lot!
Voss le 20 Juin 2022
You're welcome!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins le 13 Juin 2022
Farbod, IIUC, you cannot do that with stackedplot. Each subplot can have only one y axis. The whole point of stackedplot is to align multiple variables along their time axis, but for them to have separate y axes so the scaling doesn't cause the very issue you are running into. I suggest you let stackedplot make four subplots.
  1 commentaire
Farbod Tabaei
Farbod Tabaei le 17 Juin 2022
Thanks for your explanation Peter. Much appreciated!

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