remove the frequent values withou sorting

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
huda nawaf
huda nawaf le 10 Juil 2022
Commenté : huda nawaf le 11 Juil 2022
I need a function remove the frequent values(keeping the first appearance of value) without using unique because it is making sortg
For example
x=[3 4 3 5 1 0 4 2];
I need x to be
x=[3 4 5 1 0 2]
Thanks in advance

Réponse acceptée

the cyclist
the cyclist le 10 Juil 2022
You can still use unique:
x = [3 4 3 5 1 0 4 2];
x = unique(x,"stable")
x = 1×6
3 4 5 1 0 2

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