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How to extract frames from a vedio file in avi format?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
krishna Chauhan
krishna Chauhan le 20 Juil 2022
Commenté : krishna Chauhan le 20 Juil 2022
I tried the code below in both mp4 and avi files. The obj.NumFrames file is blank. There is not error messgae the object is created but the parameters are 0.
obj = VideoReader('k.avi');
vid = read(obj);
Can any one guide here.

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vishweshwar samba
vishweshwar samba le 20 Juil 2022
Try this
frameNo = 10;
videoReader = VideoReader('k.avi');
for i = 1:frameNo
frame = readFrame(videoReader); % read the next video frame
title('Video Frame 10');
  1 commentaire
krishna Chauhan
krishna Chauhan le 20 Juil 2022
I dont know what happend previously :
It is perfectly working now, the code which I post.

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