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Adding fields to a struct?

47 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nicholas Kavouris
Nicholas Kavouris le 8 Août 2022
I have an existing struct titled PR1Data. I would like to add a new field titled 'filename' to the structure, why is this so difficult to do? I only want the field to exist, i have tried the following methods with no results:
PR1Data=setfield(PR1Data,'filename',[1 2])
error: 'scalar structure required for this assignment'
Same error
How can i simply add a new field to an existing struct?? this should not be this difficult

Réponse acceptée

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong le 8 Août 2022
[PR1Data.filename] = deal('');
or if you PR1Data is non empty
PR1Data(1).filename = '';

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