how to write general code for generating points

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
imola le 12 Fév 2015
Modifié(e) : imola le 17 Fév 2015
Dear All,
I'm trying to write the following code in general way for dimension >=2, the code is
LB=[1 2 3 4]'; UB=[10 20 30 40]';
for I=1:m
x1 = LB(I,:)+(UB(I,:)-LB(I,:))*rand(500,1);
idx = (x1 > LB(I,:)+R (I,:)) & (x1 < UB(I,:)-R(I,:));
X=[X x1];
x1(idx) = [];
plot(X(:,1),X(:,2), '.r');
can any one help me and give me an advice please.
thanks in advance.

Réponses (1)

Sara le 12 Fév 2015
You can write the for loop in the following way:
for I=1:m
x1 = LB(I)+(UB(I)-LB(I))*rand(500,1);
X = [X x1];
x1(x1 > LB(I)+R(I) & x1 < UB(I)-R(I)) = [];
It is not clear to me why X = [X x1]; is before the assignment x1(...) = []; though. You may have to switch those lines
  1 commentaire
Sara le 12 Fév 2015
Of course you have the same figure: the X array contains all the x1 value and not only those selected with your criterion. That's why I suggested that you switch the lines: as they are, it makes no sense. Try this:
LB=[1 2 3 4]'; UB=[10 20 30 40]';
Xor = [];
for I=1:m
x1 = LB(I)+(UB(I)-LB(I))*rand(500,1);
Xor = [Xor;x1];
x1(x1 > LB(I)+R(I) & x1 < UB(I)-R(I)) = [];
X = [X;x1];
plot(Xor, 'ob');hold on % shows all the points initially calc
plot(X, '.r'); % shows only the selected values
You have not assigned any value to Y as in the example you reported, so the plot command cannot have two inputs.

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