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XCP Demo demoXCP_XC​PDynamicDA​QLists Not working

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
VINEET le 12 Fév 2015
Hi, I want to Run the demo demoXCP_XCPDynamicDAQLists. I have downloaded XCP demo simulator from VECTOR as mentioned but after running matlab demo I am facing below error.
Error using can.Channel/transmit (line 499) The channel is currently configured for Silent mode operation and must be in Normal mode before performing this action.
Error in xcp.Protocol/transmitCommand (line 693) obj.TransportLayerObject.transmit(cmdMsg);
Error in xcp.Protocol/connect (line 135) response = obj.transmitCommand(cmdData);
Error in xcp.Channel/connect (line 192) [~, resource, commModeBasic, maxCTO, maxDTO] = ...
Error in demoXCP_XCPDynamicDAQLists (line 34) connect(xcpCh)
However simulink demo is working fine. Please help me on how to solve this issue?

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