Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Overwrite table data if the logical index of row is true.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Smithy le 26 Août 2022
Commenté : Smithy le 26 Août 2022
Hello everybody,
I would like to overwrite the table data if the logical index of row is true.
Logical index will be ture if sampleinput.TEST_ITEM1 is'TV'
Then, the sampleinput.TEST_LOAD1 need to be changed with sampleinput.TEST_LOAD0
If sampleinput.TEST_ITEM1 is not 'TV' and then keep sampleinput.TEST_LOAD1 data.
Please give me some help.
load sample
k = contains(sampleinput.TEST_ITEM1,'TV'); % logical indexing
sampleinput.TEST_LOAD1(k) = sampleinput.TEST_LOAD0(k);

Réponse acceptée

Chunru le 26 Août 2022
load(websave("sample.mat", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1108480/sample.mat"))
sampleinput = 11×3 table
TEST_ITEM1 TEST_LOAD0 TEST_LOAD1 __________ __________ __________ {'TV'} 110 {'355'} {'TV'} 550 {'355'} {'TV'} 220 {'355'} {'TT'} 660 {'355'} {'TV'} 330 {'355'} {'TV'} 770 {'355'} {'TV'} 440 {'355'} {'TV'} 880 {'355'} {'TL'} NaN {'355'} {'TL'} NaN {'355'} {'TL'} NaN {'355'}
idx = sampleinput.TEST_ITEM1 == "TV";
sampleinput.TEST_LOAD1(idx) = cellstr(string(sampleinput.TEST_LOAD0(idx)))
sampleinput = 11×3 table
TEST_ITEM1 TEST_LOAD0 TEST_LOAD1 __________ __________ __________ {'TV'} 110 {'110'} {'TV'} 550 {'550'} {'TV'} 220 {'220'} {'TT'} 660 {'355'} {'TV'} 330 {'330'} {'TV'} 770 {'770'} {'TV'} 440 {'440'} {'TV'} 880 {'880'} {'TL'} NaN {'355'} {'TL'} NaN {'355'} {'TL'} NaN {'355'}
  1 commentaire
Smithy le 26 Août 2022
thank you vey much. It works really well.

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