How to plot the average of the graphs ?

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Vikash Raj
Vikash Raj le 28 Août 2022
Commenté : Vikash Raj le 29 Août 2022
I have plotted a 3 plots on the same axis and now I want to plot the average of these plots. All my three
vectors that have used have different lenghts. I belive that here we need to interpolate. I want to interpolate my YS3, YS4Q and YS 21Q where I want to use common Lattitude values LatCom, however Im confused becuse I'm not able interploate. Im attaching my plots, code and the error that appeares while interpolating. Im new to matlab and kindly asking for your generous support.
% 3 Combine Plots
P3 = plot(Lat3,YS3, '-r',Lat4Q,YS4Q, '-k',Lat21Q,YS21Q, '-k');
xlim([-30 30]);
ylim([0 60])
box on
ax = gca;
ax.LineWidth = 2;
title('14/01 ~12.20hrs Log +159','FontSize',10)
% Interploate
LatCom = [-30: 0.01: 30]';
y1 = interp1(Lat3,YS3, LatCom); % Im getting a erro as shown below
%Sample points must be unique.
%Error in interp1 (line 188)
%VqLite = matlab.internal.math.interp1(X,V,method,method,Xqcol);
  2 commentaires
the cyclist
the cyclist le 28 Août 2022
It would be helpful if you uploaded the data in a MAT file. You can use the paperclip icon in the INSERT section of the toolbar.
Vikash Raj
Vikash Raj le 28 Août 2022
Hi I have attached the data as 'Sample data' please find attached

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Chunru le 28 Août 2022
Modifié(e) : Chunru le 29 Août 2022
load(websave("SampleData", ""))
P3 = plot(Lat3,YS3, '-r',Lat4Q,YS4Q, '-k',Lat21Q,YS21Q, '-k');
%xlim([-30 30]);
%ylim([0 20])
box on
ax = gca;
ax.LineWidth = 2;
title('14/01 ~12.20hrs Log +159','FontSize',10)
LatCom = [-30: 0.01: 30]';
% Interpolation requires unique points
[Lat3u, ia] = unique(Lat3); YS3u = YS3(ia);
y1 = interp1(Lat3u,YS3u, LatCom, 'linear', 'extrap');
[Lat4Qu, ia] = unique(Lat4Q); YS4Qu = YS4Q(ia);
y2 = interp1(Lat4Qu,YS4Qu, LatCom, 'linear', 'extrap');
[Lat21Qu, ia] = unique(Lat21Q); YS21Qu = YS21Q(ia);
y3 = interp1(Lat21Qu,YS21Qu, LatCom, 'linear', 'extrap');
ym = (y1+y2+y3)/3;
hold on
plot(LatCom, ym, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2)
  1 commentaire
Vikash Raj
Vikash Raj le 29 Août 2022
Thank you very much. Your codes are working well.

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