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Random Vector in decreasing order

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Berkay le 29 Août 2022
Réponse apportée : Matt J le 29 Août 2022
I want to create the random column vector with 15 elements, they should be listed in decreased order.
I can create a random clumn vector and then I can sort it in decreased order but is it possible to create it sorted.

Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 29 Août 2022
There are alternatives to post-sorting, e.g. below, but no randomization function that will just spit out a sorted list.
ans = 15×1
7.5705 6.8873 6.2822 5.6986 5.0179 4.7840 3.9038 2.9921 2.9166 2.6962

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