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How to create a counter to store multiple solutions

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
SGer le 31 Août 2022
Commenté : SGer le 1 Sep 2022
Hi there,
Im trying to create a counter for my QW results. At the moment it's only storing the last 2 values. I would like to create an array with 208 rows and 1 column to store all the results. Could someone please assist.

Réponses (1)

Karim le 31 Août 2022
Modifié(e) : Karim le 1 Sep 2022
Since you have a double loop, the easiest method will be to add a variable e.g. counter. Initialize it to zero, and then add 1 to it just before you want to save some data. You can then use that counter as an index.
% initalize output variables (104 rows 2 column)
Mij_out = zeros( 104, 2);
QW_out = zeros( 104, 2);
A = [0 0.25];
B = [0 3.25];
P = -94.2194;
xi = 0.5:0.5:4;
yi = -1:0.5:5;
% initialize the counter
counter = 0;
for i = 1:8
for j = 1:13
Mij = [xi(i) yi(j)];
UMA = A-Mij;
UMB = B-Mij;
Mag_UMA = sqrt(sum(UMA.^2,2));
Mag_UMB = sqrt(sum(UMB.^2,2));
FAM = UMA ./ Mag_UMA;
FBM = UMB ./ Mag_UMB;
G = [FAM' FBM'];
k = [0;-P];
if rank(G) == rank([G k])
% solve for M2
QW = G\k;
% add to the counter
counter = counter + 1;
% save the data
Mij_out( counter,:) = Mij;
QW_out( counter,:) = abs(QW);
Mij_out = 104×2
0.5000 -1.0000 0.5000 -0.5000 0.5000 0 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 0.5000 1.5000 0.5000 2.0000 0.5000 2.5000 0.5000 3.0000 0.5000 3.5000
QW_out = 104×2
42.2822 134.3980 28.3094 118.8165 17.5567 103.2719 17.5567 87.7837 28.3094 72.3883 42.2822 57.1606 57.1606 42.2822 72.3883 28.3094 87.7837 17.5567 103.2719 17.5567
  3 commentaires
Karim le 1 Sep 2022
I updated the answer, and included the code from your picture. The code runs without error
SGer le 1 Sep 2022
Thank you!!

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