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How to view generated code from simulink to arduino

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
chfakht chfakht
chfakht chfakht le 19 Fév 2015
Commenté : Seng Chong le 12 Déc 2022
Hi all, i have built an example of led in simulink and i deploy it to an arduino uno i want know to know if i can view the generated code , and if that code can be loaded into the arduino in other way like loading it with arduino ide

Réponses (1)

Abhishek GS
Abhishek GS le 17 Mar 2015
Hi Chfakht,
You will be able to see the Simulink generated code for Arduino if you have License for Embedded Coder Toolbox.
Once you have your C-Code, you should be able to use the avr-gcc compiler and avrdude uploading tool to load the code into Arduino without using the IDE. You can find an example here .
Thanks, Abhishek
  2 commentaires
chfakht chfakht
chfakht chfakht le 22 Mar 2015
thanks a lot , but how can i view the code generated by simulink ???
Seng Chong
Seng Chong le 12 Déc 2022
Not very helpful;

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