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How to connect PS Product

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
billy le 6 Mar 2015
i would like to multiple 2 signals, but i went to do some research, the only block to do it is (PS Product) http://www.mathworks.com/help/physmod/simscape/ref/psproduct.html
please help

Réponses (2)

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro le 6 Mar 2015
Hi Billy,
The PS Product block is only for physical signals that come out of Simscape sensor blocks. What you have coming out of the "From" block is a Simulink signal.
You should therefore be fine with a regular Product block from "Simulink -> Math Operations" library to connect all that together.
- Sebastian

billy le 6 Mar 2015
but is there any difference between PS Product Block vs Product Block??
  1 commentaire
Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro le 6 Mar 2015
Yes -- the PS Product block works on physical signals, which are used for input/output to Simscape blocks. You can tell the difference because physical signal ports are white triangles and Simulink signal ports are black arrowheads.
You cannot directly connect physical and Simulink signals unless you use converter blocks (PS-Simulink or Simulink-PS Converter).

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